+1 832-477-2234

Come Join Us!

Concierge Health & Wellness Fair

When:  Saturday, February 11
Time: 10:00AM-2:00PM
Where:  2123 Judiway Street, Houston, TX 77018
(Across the street from Oak Forest Park)

What is Concierge Medicine?
Concierge medicine is bringing medicine back to what’s most important: a solid patient-doctor relationship where the focus is on YOUR health. By cutting out the middleman (insurance), doctors are able to see you sooner, spend more time with you, and the pricing is always transparent.

What is Alternative Medicine?
Alternative medicine, sometimes called Eastern Medicine, is the focus on your health as a whole rather than just the symptoms. Some examples of alternative medicine are energy healing, vibrational therapy, cupping, reiki, and acupuncture. Our Concierge Health & Wellness Fair will feature a few of these professionals!

Business NameDoctorSpecialtyWebsiteSocial Media Handle
Vida Family MedicineRebecca Berens, MDFamily Medicinewww.vidafamilydpc.com@rebeccaberensmd
Tula MedicalSejal Desai, MDWeight Loss Medicinewww.tulawlw.com 
Life Align Mobile ChiropractorRenee Johns, DCChiropractor @life_aligned_chiro
Houston Pediatric EndocrinologyDeepa Suresh, MDPediatric Endocrinologywww.houstonpedsendo.com@houstonpediatricendocrinology
Blossom Pediatrics & LactationShirley Chan-Ramirez, MDPediatrician, 4th trimester specialistwww.blossomfamilies.com@blossomfamilies
Pediatric PodAida Khanum, MDPediatricianwww.pediatricpod.com@pediatricpod
Park Dentistry for KidsKristi Parker, DDSPediatric Dentistwww.parkdentistryforkids.com @park_dentistry
Three Pajaritos Coffee Coffee www.3pajaritoscoffee.com @threepajaritoscoffee
MD On DeliveryKarina Cañadas, MDENT & ENT Urgent Caremdondelivery.com@mdondelivery
Energy HealingRhonda Little TreeReiki & Vibrational Healing  
Doctor Pisklak.Stacey Pisklak, MD.Psychiatry.doctorpisklak.com 
Feelings Healers.Kelley Walters, LPC-A.Psychotherapy. thefeelingshealers.com@thefeelinghealers
Omni Mobile MassageKhalitha RussellMassage.omnimobilemassage.com@omni.mobilemassage

Greater Houston Dental Arts:  Orthodontics, Periodontics & Implants

Fabia Younus, DDS, MSD, MS
Orthodontist, Periodontics, Implant
Leilani OpuaiLeilani OpuaiIntuitive Coach, Mediumwww.lopuai.com@leilaniopuai
Developmental Journey
Noel Mensah-Bonsu, MD
Developmental Pediatics (ADHD, Autism, Learning Disability)
Blue Bird DermatologyMeena Julapalli, MDPediatric Dermatologywww.bluebirddermatology.com 

Abuela’s Ice Cream

 Home made ice cream 


Come meet local health and wellness doctors and alternative medicine professionals.  
Fun for all ages!


  • FREE health screening
  • Food
  • FREE face painting
  • Raffles
  • Prizes
  • Music
Here is a list of our FREE Raffle Prizes:
  1. $1000 off Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment (braces or invisalign)
    ($1000 value @fabiayounus)
  2. Waived Registration Fee For Pediatric Pod Concierge Pediatrics ($150 value @pediatricpod)
  3. 50 minute Mindset & Fulfillment Coaching Session ($115 value @thefeelinghealers)
  4. 60 minute Vibrational Tuning Fork Healing Session ($100 value @rhondalittletree)
  5. Free Immunobooster ($100 value @mdondelivery)
  6. Free 30-Minute Reading with a Medium ($60 value @leilaniopuai
  7. Free Skinceuticals Sunscreen ($60 value @bluebirddermatology)
  8. Free Ear Wax Removal ($50 value @mdondelivery)
  9. 21 Days of Mindfulness Program ($49 value tulawlw.com)
  10. 8 Week at Home Fitness Program ($49 value tulawlw.com)
  11. Free Chiro Exam & Consult ($30-50 value @life_aligned_chiro)
  12. 20 minute Chair Massage ($30 value @omnimobilemassage)
  13. Free Frida Mom Padsicle ($20 value @blossomfamilies)